RIM、Torch Mobileを買収


RESEARCH IN MOTION (RIM) ACQUIRES TORCH MOBILE - http://www.torchmobile.com/

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Torch Mobile is excited to announce that our company has been acquired by Research In Motion (RIM), one of the most renowned mobile technology companies in the world. Our team of developers will join RIM’s global organization and will now be focused on utilizing our WebKit-based mobile browser expertise to contribute to the ongoing enhancement of the BlackBerry® platform.

Torch Mobile’s team of highly skilled developers has been actively involved in Open Source development and includes contributors, Committers and Reviewers of the WebKit project. As part of RIM, these developers will continue to be active participants in the WebKit development community.

Torch Mobileさんは浮かれまくっています。彼らはRIMに入ってBlackberryのブラウザ改善に貢献すると意気込んでいます。もちろんIRISブラウザの実績からすれば、決しておかしな話ではありません。使用に耐えないという意味でPIEと同レベルのBlackberryのブラウザが、きっとサクサク動くようになるのでしょう。RIMとBlackberryユーザーには朗報と言えるかと思います。わ〜い♪
・・・WM用IRIS Browserの開発は終了ということですけどね。